Thursday, December 10, 2009

Karen's Top Ten Things to Know About Visiting the UK

10. It DOES rain a lot there (bring an umbrella, hat, scarf and gloves).
9. Scotland is beautiful and the accents are the best
- be careful after a few minutes you will start
talking like a Scott!
8. Castles are big, and cold, and I would LOVE to
have a fire-place as big as some of the
ones I saw (I swear, one of them is at least as big as my room
- which isn't that difficult, actually...)

This is looking out the exit/entrance at the Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland
(did you know that it's pronounced Edinburough??)
7. Wool and cashmere are cheap-er in Scotland - but not that cheap.
6. There are a lot of sheep in Northern England and Scotland.

John Knox's house. I love the inscription over the door way, it says:
Love God above all and your neighbor as yourself.
A view of the old part of Edinburgh, including a view of the castle from atop
Arthur's Seat - an extinct volcano. Beautiful day.

A view of Arthur's Seat from the castle, hmm, very familiar looking...
5. I LOVE british showers -
you never run out of hot water, it heats it as it comes out.
4. I love Tesco
(it's like a super grocery store mixed with a big department store -
yes, classier than Walmart.)
3. It's much more fun to visit when you know someone who lives there,
you get to meet people and see the little differences
in the way people live. It's great.
2. They do have roasted chestnut vendors on the street
(okay so maybe that was just for the Christmas street fayre,
but it was cool, and I did buy some... they grew on me).
1. I got to hear old church bells ringing noisily several times
and it was beautiful, I got to go to Evensong at the Yorkminster Abbey
and hear a men's acapella group sing the liturgy (I think that's what it's called),
the beauty of the bells and the singing touched my heart and
it was beautiful.
This is the Preston, England temple.
It was lovely to be able to go there and enjoy the peace inside.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fallish Things

1. The past few mornings I've
awakened to this....
Like liquid gold pouring through my window.

2. J.P. Licks has El Diablo ice cream
- chocolate ice cream with cinnamon
and cayenne pepper.
Just when you expect the smooth
velvety coating of
cold ice cream
Burned tongue
and singed nose hairs.
I highly recommend it.

3. I got hit by an ice cream truck
while driving my rental car in DC.
No joke.

Monday, October 5, 2009

And here she is Ladies and Gentleman.... Shannon Hale.

Well, it was a fine fine Fall day in Wellesley, MA made even better by a visit from world famous author Shannon Hale. What a delight to meet her and hear her speak. She is as down to earth as I'd hoped she'd be (after all she did go to grad school at the U of M - Missoula has a way of bringing out the normalcy in people - either that or driving them over the edge... ). Anywho, a friend and I went to the Wellesley Free Library to see Shannon Hale in support of the Wellesley Booksmith (a fantastic independent bookseller - Support your Local Bookstore!!!!!!). We were lucky enough to get our books signed and to get our pictures taken with her (yes, she is petting our hair - don't worry we gave her permission). Thanks Shannon for coming to Wellesley and for writing such wonderful stories! Bless your heart and the hands you type with.

If you are interested in learning more about Shannon Hale - visit her website at:


Monday, September 7, 2009

Skydiving (aka. My New Passion)

I went Skydiving!!!!

My favorite night dreams are those
when I am flying.
Today my dreams became reality.
It felt just like I thought it would feel.
Dreams DO come true :-)
My bishop - the instigator of the whole thing!

Me in the plane against the door we would soon jump out.
Some of the other jumpers and instructors
(we went tandem).
The girls before getting into the plane!
I want to get certified and go as often as I can!!!!!
Anyone want to join me?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Washington, DC Take 3

And finally...
Three "monuments here"-
1. WW2 water monument w/each of the 50 states represented,
2. Reflection pool
3. Lincoln Memorial in far background
(oh, and the cool policeman on horseback)

GORGEOUS DAY in Washington DC.
I'm on the Lincoln Memorial looking out over
the reflection pool,
Washington Monument,
the National Mall,
and The Capital Building in the way way back.

Part of the reason for my going to DC
was to go on a blind date set up by one of my friends.
We ended up going to Mt. Vernon
(where George Washington lived)
for part of our date and I remembered
that when I was 12 I had come here
and taken a picture of this exact tree.
So, here it is folks.... the same tree 20 years later.
(Wish I had the other picture w/me but it's in MT.)

Oh look, it's Montana.
And a really cute girl standing beneath it!

No questions as to why I took this, right?
They were walking out of the reflection pool
in front of the Lincoln Memorial.
Too cute. Couldn't resist.

Washington, DC Take 2

A great exhibit at the Smithsonian Museum of American History
on Lincoln.

His top hat.

One of my favorite presidents.
I had to take a photo op.

This is one of my better shots of
me and the Washington Monument.
Aiming the camera by myself at myself
and a tall background
obelisk - not one of my strong suits.
Garden at the National Cathedral!

An "artistic" shot of the National Cathedral.

A Few More Happenings...

Washington, DC: Take 1
A saying at the end of the main exhibit at the Holocaust Memorial.
Something to remember now and always.

I went to a fantastic and chilling exhibit on
Nazi Propaganda at the Holocaust Memorial.
What propaganda are we hearing?

Julia Child's pots and pans on exhibit at the Smithsonian - amazing number of pans.
They reconstructed her kitchen with
the furniture and etc. from her actual kitchen.
Very homey and warm.
We can all cook delightfully in even the most
modest of spaces.
The kitchen IS the heart of the home.

A Few Happenings...

First Red Sox Game.... We sat next to the visiting team's bull pen.
Thanks for an awesome birthday gift Madrians!

When I first got into the stadium...

This is "The Green Monstah"
- we're on a first name basis.
Inside Fenway Pahk.

Sitting next to the Orioles Bull Pen
(they gave us a stick of gum... lucky me!!)

What it looks like pre-game outside the stadium.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Very funny Clips!!

Howdy Friends. Happy Summer - or Happy Rainy season depending on where you live. Here in Boston we've had four seasons, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Rain. We think there is a season called Summer out there somewhere but it might just be a rumor, we don't know!

I've been taking two 6 week classes for school simultaneously and WOW has it been a lot of work. Luckily it's been really interesting and fun. I've joined the world of Twitter (mtduckgirl) if you want to follow me or share your tweets with me, and discovered a new world of fun links. I want to share them with you.

Dancing Wedding Intro (soooooo cool, I think I would like to do this, but I have a hunch it just wouldn't work with a temple wedding....)

This is a Mashup (I want to try this with my students some day) none of these YouTube videos went together originally. Talk about super cool organizational skills.

What Librarians do in their free time. I want to be a part of something as inspiring as this :-) Seriously funny. They actually have cart competitions at ALA (American Library Association) conference.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Church Fire at Cambridge MA LDS Church

Hmm, how does one start a blog about a fire that destroys your church building.  Well, I guess that's as good a way as any.  This morning was Stake Conference for the New England area and many areas on the East coast.  It was a broadcast from Salt Lake City.  It started at 10 a.m.  Around 10:45 a.m. the fire alarm went off.  We were all hesitant to get out, thinking it was merely a false alarm or drill.  After all it was right in the middle of someone's talk.  However, we all filed outside, and there noticed the smoke billowing out of the roof vent above the chapel.  The fire department was called, and by the time they arrived (within minutes) more smoke was spewing forth from vents.  The firemen positioned their trucks and ladders climbed up on the roof, cut a hole and wow!  then the flames appeared.  So, the fireman got off the roof, and things started rolling.  Flames shot out of the attic space above the chapel and soon engulfed most of the roof above that area.  I was astounded as were all who just minutes before were sitting in the building.  The roof caved in and through the big and beautiful round window in the back of the chapel you could see the orange flames everywhere inside.  It was a surreal experience.
  This building also housed the Institute of Religion for the Boston area and CES offices for most of New England.  Luckily, the fire was doused before it reached the library of the Institute.  The firemen, bless each of them, pulled out the books and transported them on gurneys outside.  The good people of the Society of Friends (of the Quaker religion) offered the use of their building to house the books.  Their building is directly across the way from our church.  A long line of people from the congregation was quickly organized and the books, some of them wet and sooty but none burned, was passed from one person to the next across the park, street, and down into the Society of Friends basement.  Along with several other librarians and book preservationists I spent the next few hours going through books and categorizing them into dry, sort of wet, and wow- really wet.  There were even some paintings and prints from inside that were saved.  
  It was sad to see the beautiful and sentimental building go up in flames.  However, as with any tragedy the Lord provides miracles - many miracles.  The miracles have already started... no one was injured in the fire, the books - thousands of books , were saved, and people of various faiths from around Cambridge came together to lend support and comfort.  
 For photos of the fire see the following:

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Best Blender EV_ER!!!

Hey Folks, you all know I went to BYU and I think it is a great school.
I can now prove with certainty that BYU comes up with some genius thinkers!!
Here's one of them.
This man invented a blender that could probably blend your blender into dust!
I'm actually serious, and I wonder if he's tried it?
He's tried to blend just about everything else (and been successful) including:
iphone, glow sticks, a rubics cube, bic lighters (that is a fun one to watch),
and so many more things.
Watch one of the clips. I promise, once you watch one
you won't want to stop AND you will want to check out
the website to see how you can get one of your own.
(No, I am not a spokesperson,
I just think this is the coolest thingsince sliced bread!!)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I got a call a few weeks back from a friend/mission companion 
who had a free ticket that had to be used by April 16.  She wanted to know
 if maybe, just maybe 
she could come visit me in Boston. 
"MAYBE!!!!???  Heck yes you can!!  Come on down, my friend!!!" 
So, I might have been a little more calm on the phone, 
but it was essentially the same sentiment.  

We had a blast.  
I played tour guide, learning a little along the way, making new friends
and of course we ate plenty of good food.  

WARNING:  if you come to visit me - 
whether I am here, there, or somewhere else, 
it will ALWAYS, ALWAYS include good food.  

Food is part of what makes a culture.  
So, prepare yourself to eat and enjoy!  

Amy was perfect company, but I don't know what happened...
 while she was here all of my pent up obnoxiousness 
came bursting out in fits of silly humor.  
Poor thing, she put up with me, though. 
Bless her heart!
Enjoy the photos!!
Best clam chowder is @ Periwinkles (at least in Essex, MA)!

Best place for brunch in Jamaica Plain - Center Street Cafe.  
When they say "loads of fresh fruit" they mean it!
(That's french toast underneath the fruit, 
in case you were wondering:-)

Awww, look how cute we are!! 
Public Gardens - downtown Boston.

View from the top of the Bunker Hill monument!!  
294 steps up!

This fish was so persuasive.... I couldn't say no.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Coming home...

Two weeks from today I fly back to Missoula.  This will be a busy trip as I intend on visiting friends in both Billings, MT and Spokane, WA.  Lots of driving but it will be well worth it!!  Those of you who will be around I sure I hope I get to see you!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Why I go to the Temple

There has been some interesting chatter about a program that will portray a ceremony from the temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  In response to that the church has issued a message about why its members attend the temple.  I share the link with you here, because it explains so beautifully why I go to the temple on a regular basis.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to go to the temple and forget the world for a while and feel the Lord's Spirit so readily.  I encourage those of you with recommends to attend soon and those who do not to find out more about temples.  

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some books (and authors) to read...

One of the perks of living in a very urban area on a very urbanized side of the country is tripping into the path of people I would normally not meet.  Medical doctors, nurses, PHD candidates, Post doctoral scientists, teachers, Harvard, Boston University, Tufts, Northeastern University professors, fantastic musicians, and leaders of business and computer markets are just a brief sampling of the people I shove shoulders with.  Yes, shove, jostle, pinch, all sorts of things that you would do to siblings and family members.  That's what these people are to me - friends and family.  No matter the education level and job description people, under the label and the letters at the end of their names, are people.  They eat, they sleep, they like to play games and visit.  I'm glad to know them and to call them friends.  Some of them have even drawn battle plans on my arm (see an earlier post of my color-filled arm from last year sometime)!  
But, this is not a post about the amazing people I know... nope it's about authors - yes authors. LDS authors to be specific and a fabulous article in the Boston globe regarding one of these woman authors.  Her name is Julie Berry and she has a new book coming out this Wednesday. Now because I happened to be in the right spot at the right time, I ended up with a pre-publication copy of this new YA (Young Adult) novel called The Amaranth Enchantment".  It is a great read and moves along at a great pace.  If you are into the new sub-genre of "Fairy Tales turned into novels" such as those written by Shannon Hale (one of my favorite authors), Robin McKinley, or Gail Carson Levine (of Ella Enchanted fame) you will appreciate this unique but fairy tale-esque story as well.  
Here is the link to the Boston Globe article about Julie Berry and the other LDS women authors who are making themselves known in mainstream literature.
You will note the reference to several of the women authors, some of whom I have read and others I have not but I would like to include a rather well known LDS male YA author - Brandon Mull(click on his name to get more information about him) who is known for his realistic fantasy novels about two siblings who encounter all sorts of adventures (many of them quite hair raising and dangerous) on a secret reserve for magical creatures run by their grandparents.  This is a New York Times bestselling series.  There are 3 of the 5 books in the series published and the 4th will be available the middle end of March.  They are enjoyable, a good read for both boys and girls.
I hope that you take some time and check out the links above, especially the Boston Globe article.  It is well written and positive.  Wouldn't it be great if the cleanliness of YA novels could some how jump the rope and rub off on it's older sibling Adult Fiction!!  

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Positive Boost

Howdy Friends, Family, and Complete Strangers...
  I was sent the link to a new you tube site about basic beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka. Mormons).  Here's more info on it... there are some great old school commercials from when I was a kid.  Check it out, and it really does lift your spirit and put a smile on your face:   Mormon Messages
If you are interested in joining the group on Facebook here is the link for that as well:

Okay... I have never seen this one but it's way cute...  Swashbuckling Dad and Son
Oh, and this one is good too... Runaway Stage Coach

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time flies...

Facebook is an amazing tool.  I have found friends from college, my mission, high school, middle school, jobs, etc.  It's been a great way to see photos of new babies, and catch the latest announcements about peoples lives.  I have been thinking a lot about my past and I dove back to my first year teaching - also my last year at BYU.  Instead of doing the normal student teaching I did an Internship - I got my own classroom, a contract, half salary, full benefits, and 8 semester hour credits.  It was a great deal.  I had such an amazing class that first year.  Heavenly Father knew how hard it was going to be getting used to teaching and all of the "stuff" associated therewith - so he gave me the best darned class in the world.  Truly, they were amazing.  I loved those kids and had a great experience.
 Yesterday, I began thinking back to that year and wondering where "my" kids were now.  It would be neat to know where they were, I thought, and what they were doing with their lives.  Voila!  The perfect way to find out - Facebook.   And, so I dredged up a few names from the attic in my brain and made a search.  I've heard back from one of my kiddos already and get this, he is a freshman in college.  He told me he just got his mission call.  W-O-W.  The mental picture I have is of a scrawny, small, quiet boy; really funny and kind.  I'm sure he is still funny, and kind, I doubt he's still quiet, and he is much much taller than I remembered!  And... he's going on a mission.  Holy Cow, time flies.  I'm hoping I will hear from some more of my kids, we'll see....

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A new Doo (again)

Here we are folks.  Another new doo!  This time I added highlights, more layers and a shorter look.  You will notice the amazing brunette standing with me - indeed I am privileged to call her not only my friend but.... my hair stylist!!  I love you L.E.!!