Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time flies...

Facebook is an amazing tool.  I have found friends from college, my mission, high school, middle school, jobs, etc.  It's been a great way to see photos of new babies, and catch the latest announcements about peoples lives.  I have been thinking a lot about my past and I dove back to my first year teaching - also my last year at BYU.  Instead of doing the normal student teaching I did an Internship - I got my own classroom, a contract, half salary, full benefits, and 8 semester hour credits.  It was a great deal.  I had such an amazing class that first year.  Heavenly Father knew how hard it was going to be getting used to teaching and all of the "stuff" associated therewith - so he gave me the best darned class in the world.  Truly, they were amazing.  I loved those kids and had a great experience.
 Yesterday, I began thinking back to that year and wondering where "my" kids were now.  It would be neat to know where they were, I thought, and what they were doing with their lives.  Voila!  The perfect way to find out - Facebook.   And, so I dredged up a few names from the attic in my brain and made a search.  I've heard back from one of my kiddos already and get this, he is a freshman in college.  He told me he just got his mission call.  W-O-W.  The mental picture I have is of a scrawny, small, quiet boy; really funny and kind.  I'm sure he is still funny, and kind, I doubt he's still quiet, and he is much much taller than I remembered!  And... he's going on a mission.  Holy Cow, time flies.  I'm hoping I will hear from some more of my kids, we'll see....


Elizabeth said...

It wasn't that long ago was it? WOW! What grade did you teach? Perhaps I'm just thinking you had a younger group... wow.

Elizabeth said...

No way. It hasn't been that long. What grade were you teaching? I thought you were going to say they were freshman or something. NUTS!