Thursday, April 17, 2008

At least I got some exercise...

So, I did a stupid thing.  It's debatable whether the stupidity happened last night, today, or continued from yesterday through today.  Here's the scoop: 
Because I didn't have to baby sit last night and could get home while there was still plenty of daylight I planned on cleaning my car after I got home.   I parked it in front of my apt and ran upstairs to take care of a few things.... Well, as it so happens, I never left my apartment again that day.  This morning I get up, get ready, grab all my gear and head outside.  It takes me 10 minutes to walk to the lot where I park my car and as I enter it, I look around and realize - my car is not there.  Then, it dawns on me, I never moved my car from the day before.  This is a bad thing.  In my city there is no overnight parking.  So, I sigh, and start trudging back to my apartment.  I am so sure my car has been towed I stop at the ATM and withdraw the correct amount of cash (at least an arm and probably part of a leg's worth) before turning the corner to my street.  Ahhh, the sun never shone on a more beautiful sight then the dust covered hood of my little Honda.  Whether it was because I still had my Montana plates or the policeman was feeling generous (or tired, the $30 ticket I found on my mirror was time stamped at 5 a.m.) I'll probably never know.  Really, I don't care!  I am just grateful that my little baby didn't get towed!!


Jessie said...

Bummer! Glad to hear it didn't get towed!

By the way, you've been tagged!

Jessie said...

Ah, Karen, you know I love you and always will! I was daunted by the 7 people with a blog thing and completely forgot my manners. Forgive me? Thanks for the offer of a place to stay! I'll be in PA and NY for the summer in about a month. Perhaps we can get together?

Elizabeth said...

You must be living right!!